We aren't really musicians - but we can dream, can't we?
And this web site, which took approximately 40 minutes to create, shows how easy it is to look "real' on the internet with an off-the-shelf program and no computer skills, even with tongue firmly planted in cheek. So, enjoy - and, in the meantime, we'll be Just Practicing!!



Bill and David needed to brush up on some tunes in preparation for the next Uncle Jack's Rompin' Stompers jug band reunion, and so they formed this small band: Just Practicing.

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Welcome to Our Website!

"You Are My Sunshine"

Just Practicing in the living room at Beth and David's place in Truro (check out the auto-harp solo by Bill)

"Washington at Valley Forge"

On the bench, sitting next to us, a gentleman from Ontario, Canada caught us on his iPhone